Monday, February 9, 2009

Snowmobile ministry!

(pictured above:the machine I would like to use to go to Crandall)

Yesterday, after church, I picked up a beat-up old snowmobile from our friends at the edge of Cooke City and followed a wonderful couple to their home in Crandall, WY. We snowmobiled all the way there - about 18 miles - and it was beautiful. We followed the Pilot Creek trail until it turned off onto an ungroomed trail. We went high up a ridge and were able to see all the way down the Chief Joseph Highway and the mountains surrounding. The sun was shining and up at the top, it was hot. Of course, a snowmobile suit, heavy shirt, long underwear and all the equipment a snowmobile requires didn't help how hot I was. This was also my first real snowmobile ride, and it was great fun.

That afternoon, we had our first worship service for the people in Crandall and Sunlight Basin. 6 people showed up and we had a great, informal service that included prayer, discussion and song. I am planning, assuming the weather permits, to go over there twice a month until the road east of Cooke City opens again.

When we returned this morning, an elk carcass, stripped bare by the winter carnivores lay across the path. It was a strange sight. But the machine I was using got me home, this after we stripped the pull-cord trying to start it this morning. When I got back to Cooke City, I found out that the machine had been shot twice by a shotgun. Since that time, the snowmobile has been passed around to several people. Regardless, it was fast and, for a first time snowmobile experience, it was great fun.

A year or so ago, I read a great book called "The Hammer of God" by Bo Giertz, which traces 3 generations of Lutheran pastors way out in the outback of Sweden. They gave it away to all the graduating students of Luther Seminary. It is a very inspiring book. Of course, being Sweden, much of the book takes place in snow and mountains. I felt some vague connection to the pastors in that story as I traversed the trails out of Cooke City to Crandall, WY.

Next time I go, I will take pictures. I wish I had a picture of that elk carcass.
Pastor Seth

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