Monday, January 19, 2009

Wild Week In Cooke City

Our little town had a crazy week that unfortunately ended in tragedy.
On Wednesday night, the house at Elkhorn Lodge blew up. You read that right. There was a propane leak and something triggered an explosion that several people in town thought was an earthquake. The explosion pushed out the floor and the bottom of the house, moving the whole thing off its foundation. Jan and I went into town after hearing about it. The woman who was in the house, by the grace of God, had only a bruised hip...after being thrown across the living room into the opposite wall. She walked out of the house. That was a good ending to what could have been a horrifying accident.
The horrifying accident happened on Saturday night when the Crown Butte avalanched. It was a huge break and it took a new father with it as his wife watched from below. It took several hours of searching to find him. 35 people were on the mountain - everyone who could in Cooke City went out to help. I was deeply moved by how willing people were to help out. A few people even came in on Saturday asking if there was any way they could help. The wife had friends and family here and I stayed with them until they left town. It was a very sad, very troubling situation, particularly since the snowmobilers were highly experienced and well-trained.
So if you are reading this, please include our little town in your prayers - prayers of thanks for protecting those who work here and prayers of healing and comfort to those who lost a loved one this weekend.
Pastor Seth

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