Sunday, January 4, 2009

-27 And Sunny

We have had several snowstorms over the past 2 weeks. The clearer photograph is from a week and a half ago. The fuzzy picture is a picture of Cooke City during the storm on New Years Eve. We went to Buns n' Beds for their delicious New Years Eve dinner. It was crowded and fun. Jan and Leo made an excellent dinner of prime rib, potatoes, salad, bread and cheesecake. It was a fun way to ride out a powerful winter storm. The winds picked up to about 45 mph sustained with gusts of 65-75 mph. Rhiannon was a little frightened by it all, but I went out into the adventure to snowshoe on New Years Day.

This morning, it was -27 when I woke up. The dog would have nothing to do with it and she went back to bed, probably the smartest one in the family. I was impressed though, that the Cooke Pass contingent braved the cold for church this morning. They had to snowmobile into town, then they all climbed into one truck. It was the only one that would start.

But the sun was bright and the skies were clear, so it seemed warmer than it was and it made everything look sharp and beautiful.

This morning we talked about God's will and intent for us in our lives. We can only understand this when we understand Jesus as God incarnate and what that means for us. First and foremost, it doesn't mean a bunch of rules, a perfect doctrine, the right church or a really good preacher. It means a relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God - directly.

I try to update the website with the sermon text and announcements every week. If you see something that needs to be changed or you would like to see something else over at, just let me know.
Pastor Seth

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