Monday, December 8, 2008

We decorated the chapel on Saturday afternoon. Kate, Rhiannon and I simply asked what we could do, while several couples who know the routine went to work. In 2 hours, we created a beautiful Christmas church. I have included a picture of the church at night. I will take one of the interior soon.

There is about a foot or more of snow on the ground now, so I snowshoed to the falls behind the Oldemeyer's cabin Sunday afternoon. It was beautiful and a reminder of our impermanence and dependence on God. The sky was blue and huge ("Sure is a big sky out here!"), and the mountains stood out even more, white as they were.

Sunday was the second week of Advent and we lit the candle of Peace to honor the day. Check out the website - - if you want to read the sermon for the week. The readings spoke of John the Baptist. He was weird. Really weird. He ate bugs and honey and wore uncomfortable and scratchy camel hair. He carried on about the coming of the Lord and called the Pharisees a "brood of vipers." He was a strange man. But I have begun to think this strangeness is useful to God. More than likely, where we are weird and strange is where we are most in touch with the movement of the Spirit in our lives. Can we all imagine becoming weird and strange for Christ?
Peace to all!
Pastor Seth

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