Thursday, September 15, 2011

VBS July 2011 "Big Apple Adventure"

We had a wonderful group of kids this year.  Our theme was "Big Apple Adventure" and the sanctuary was transformed to look like New York City.  We learned about what the Bible says about Faith, Love, Trust, Others and Life.  A fun and exciting time was had by all as we sang, danced, crafted, listened and ran around like kids do.  On our largest days, we had 8 in the younger group and 8 in the older group - praise God for such a great turn out!

Our fearless leaders were:
Millicent Gillogly - 1st grade and up (along with materials and scheduling)
Gina Gilliland - age 4 to 6

Other volunteers:
Faye Craig - Doug Fourtner - Hannah Fourtner - Alice Hansen - Christine Kingman - Emily Kingman - Joye Kohl - Ruth Sumner

Thank you for everyone that volunteered, drove kids and brought snacks!  
What a wonderful way for kids to learn about their Savior.

I apologize that these pictures weren't up sooner.  I was trying to figure out how to get some more group photos.  I (Hannah) was teaching the younger set and so almost all of these shots were with the youngsters.  Please send any pictures you may have to the church e-mail and I'll be sure to post them!  Thank you.

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