Friday, August 12, 2011

Church Bazaar 2011!

The Church Bazaar was a hit again this year thanks to a LOT of hard work!

Our brave Bazaar organizers, Barbara Orr and Pat Froelich.
Thank you, ladies!!!

Marsha White with some of the jean aprons she helped to make.

Lots of baked goodies for sale!

Brandt approves of the cookies.

Elaine Consolo and Gina Gilliland help sort through everything.

Christine and daughter, Maggie Kingman, fold linens.

One person's junk is another one's treasure!



The outdoor equipment tent

Charissa and granddaughter of Donna Rowland, McKenzie, have a race!

The many donated raffle items.

Gerry Zimmerman and Gaye Klooster sell raffle tickets.

Alice Hansen draws her own husband's name
after Don Froelich shakes 'em up!

We promise it wasn't rigged. Marsha White did the same thing!

Dave Gillogly, Bob Stage, Rick White and Chuck Sumner relax after clean up.

Paul Kloster and Don Froelich visit after a busy weekend.

Thank you to EVERYONE who volunteered, donated and supported this year's Bazaar.

I'm sorry I couldn't post pictures of all of you.

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