Friday, September 10, 2010

Round Two

I initially took this post of INTERIM pastor anticipating my time here to be 3-5 months. Then it turned into 7 months. Then 10 months. Now I'm looking at a round-two winter, extending my time here to 19 months!!!! As unexpected as it is, I am delighted at the opportunity. Winter is, by far, my favorite time of year here in Cooke City - which is good since it dominates more than six months of the year! Not to mention the three months of the year when it tries to dominate!
It seems that this year winter has come a bit earlier than others. One year ago yesterday, Seth posted about how he woke up to a light frost and anticipated snow to fall within a few weeks. A few weeks ago I woke up to a hard frost on many mornings and the mountains have been white now for a couple weeks! The ground around Cooke City has had snow on it one morning already!

If you have checked this blog with any regularity, you've noticed that I have not updated it in a long while. I'm not a blogger, per se, and find it difficult to force myself to do so. I will do my best though. If you haven't already checked out the new church website, do so! There are many great pictures from the summer on it!

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