Sunday, November 30, 2008


I am not completely unfamiliar with computers, but I had all kinds of problems setting up a blog for the website. Anyway, here is our first entry and I think I will simply put a picture of our beautiful church up for now. We are receiving about 1-2 inches of snow every other day. It is staying on the ground, so hopefully there will be a whole lot more soon.

Today (11/30/08) is the first Sunday of Advent and we sang several new hymns and songs today during the service. Our guitarist, Jeff, is gone for the Thanksgiving holiday, so I had to get creative...even though I play the guitar. Last week, I practiced hard and sounded great in front of an empty church. Then, when I got up in front of the congregation, well, it didn't go nearly as well as it did when no one was there.
Peace of Christ to all!
Pastor Seth