Monday, July 25, 2011

Transitions and News

This past month and a half has been a whirlwind! We (the Fourtners) arrived on June 17th and, after a two week transition period, Hailey preached her last sermon on July 3rd. We have settled nicely into the beautiful log parsonage and are very thankful to be here. Everyone has been so welcoming and helpful! We have also enjoyed the surrounding area and were able to go sledding in July up on Beartooth Pass. We had a little bit of fun with the drifts on the side of the road.

In recent news: the chapel has a lawn! In June, the ground was leveled and turf was laid on the eastern side of the chapel building so we now have a nice, green spot to drink coffee and fellowship.

A moose has brought her calf regularly into the meadow behind the chapel. It has been fun to watch this little guy grow up.

We are so excited to see what other wonders God has in store for us here in Cooke City!

In His Grace,

The Fourtners