Monday, October 25, 2010

One Year

Yesterday marked two events of 2010: the onset of winter here in Cooke City and my one year anniversary here at Mount Republic Chapel of Peace. It was not the first day of being on my own here, but the first service I attended with the anticipation of being on my own in a matter of weeks. As I stood at the pulpit and went through the now very familiar routine, I couldn't help but think of how scary it all seemed one year ago. Your faces staring back at me were all completely unfamiliar, with the exception of Sheri and Del, the gracious souls that were housing me during those days of transition, and the church service, though very familiar to me in many ways from my experience of ACMNP and attendance at previous MRCP church services, seemed entirely foreign.
That day posed so many questions with unknown answers. Where was I and how did I get here? Who were you people? Why did you live in possibly the most isolated place in the lower 48? Would you like me? Would I be a good preacher? Would I be a good teacher? Was I cut out for full-time ministry? Did I really think that women should lead churches? Would I be lonely? Would I fit in? Could I really handle a Cooke City winter on my own? Would my car do okay here? Would I make friends? Is there anyone else my age? Was I prepared to be the pastor of the only church for 60 miles in any direction? Was God laughing at me? What the heck was I doing here?!
One year later, I think I have the answers to the majority of my questions that day. It's been a fabulous year, filled with many new experiences, friendships, lessons, and memories. Looking back I can see why God has brought me here, at least in part, and how he has used me. That's a great gift that I recognize won't be the case for every ministry or experience I'm involved in. But it is the case here and it's a knowledge that propels me forward in the ministry God has called me to here as winter settles in for round number two and I think of what next to preach and teach on. I am so blessed by all of you, now both near and far.