Sunday, June 7, 2009

Is It Really June 7th?

Yesterday, we went to Bozeman to celebrate Kate's birthday. It was a beautiful drive, as always, through the park. On our way home, it was raining. Then the clouds broke about 20 miles outside Cooke City. The clouds floated low on the mountains and the rain made the colors of spring stand out. We unloaded all our supplies that we picked up from Costco just before the rains started again. After about 20 minutes of rain, it changed over to snow. I thought, fortunately, it is not sticking on the ground. And as we walked the dogs, we pointed out to our daughter that it could always be worse - you could be the guy on the motorcycle who just drove by in the driving snow. It is always an adventure weather-wise up here. Many people, though, who live here year-round have had enough of the snow and winter. I told my daughter, 'At least you will have bragging rights wherever you live from now on. Besides, it will all melt...someday?'

I am aware my last several posts have been about the weather. I don't mean to be discouraging. I actually find it to be an adventure and a little crazy. I mean, you would have to be a little crazy to live up here anyway, so why wouldn't the weather reflect that? For the past several weeks, it has been beautiful up here - high 60s, rain in the afternoon, everything turning green. I just also know that for a lot of people, our unusual weather is unusual everywhere. So we all talk about it...but as my friend Jeff said the other day, "no one ever does anything about it."

We had a "Hymn Sunday" in church this morning, which went very well. We sang some old favorite hymns and talked about the history behind the songs. It was very interesting, and it is always surprising how many hymns are born from adversity and difficulty and God's transformation of that trouble into assurance, hope and trust. And, the guy on the motorcycle who drove by last night was there this morning.

This Friday, we are hosting the girl's choir from the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Billings, Montana. They will perform a concert for us and we are hoping for a large turnout. I think it will be great fun.

Pastor Seth