Friday, March 6, 2009

Got 'er Done Stuck Right Good

In the space of about 3 days, Cooke City and the surrounding area got about 24 inches of snow. Most of it was heavy and wet. After a while, it was like being in Minnesota again, except with more of everything. Also like Minnesota, I had a traditional March thought: "Isn't it about time for winter to be over?" Then the thought passed into the snowy, windy day.

Which was about the time I decided I needed to take the snowmobile out because they shouldn't sit still for long periods of time in the cold. So I set off down into the meadow towards the Bannock Trail. Kate said I was going along and then it was like I fell into a big hole. I dropped about 2 1/2 feet into a soft spot in the meadow. After she and I spent about 45 minutes trying to dig it out, we gave up. So I called the mastermind of snowmobiling-- a man of infinite patience and good humor and a great friend-- Jeff Menuey. He can get a snowmobile out of anywhere and sure enough, after about 20 minutes we had the darn thing unstuck.

Like everyone else, a situation like the above leads to complaining and a few choice words. For some people in these here parts, getting stuck is all part of the adventure. For a few, it ends the whole experience for them and the snowmobile becomes the transport of last resort. I fall somewhere in between, I suppose. They are heavy, loud, smelly and temperamental machines, but when they get you to the top of Lulu Pass or Mount Henderson, the view makes the adventure all worthwhile.
Pastor Seth